From 15th July to 5th August, we witnessed a historical moment in our lives. Even from Paris, I heard almost every day the restrained steps of our significantly courageous youth. I heard calls to 'go forward' with infinite courage in the face of ammunition and death. I heard their vehement protests, their powerful statements, uttered by rebellious voices. I saw the fall of a dictator in the face of the power of unity. In 1971, our brave freedom fighters gave their lives for freedom. Unfortunately, we could not preserve it! Today, for the second time, our new generation, Gen-Z Bangladesh, has brought back this freedom (through democratic uprising, democratic awakening) with force. They are new warriors. This is a new chapter in our history! We are making this film Gen-Z Bangladesh from the footage received from my dear students and colleagues through various social media sources. Today, the first day of a new chapter in our story, I share with you a small part of the feature film, a special "trailer". May the souls of those who gave their lives in this movement rest in peace. This film is dedicated to them. Victory to the Bangalis! Victory to the Generation Z of Bangladesh!
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